A Magyar Himnusz ~ The Hungarian National Anthem
September 21, 2014


Magyar Himnusz (first verse)

by Erkel Ferencz

Isten áldd meg a magyart.
Jó kedvvel bőséggel,
Nyújts feléje védő kart
Ha küzd ellenséggel.
Bal sors, akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt, Megbűnhődte már e nép,
A múltat s jövendőt.

Hungarian National Anthem (first verse)

Translation by F. Kolcsey

Gracious God, bless the Magyar

With good cheer, prosperity,

In the ravages of war,

Shield them from adversity;

Whom from old ill fate has torn,

Bring us to a happy morn!

Longs have we atoned and mourn for past and years unborn!

I don’t know that wikipedia is the most reliable source for information, but here is a link to the Hungarian, Literal and Poetic translations of the Magyar Himnusz:



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